Sock knitting and a dear friend...The fall is here... it's raining and I like it... maybe I like it because I know I don't have to leave the house today. Having a city apartment with trees right outside the windows is really a thing. Right now colours of the leaves are changing every day, then in the start of december the branches will be decorated with christmas lights. Not bad at all.
I have been knitting a lot lately, but sometimes I just need something not complicated I can work with while taking care of Seth or cooking dinner.
Just a quick question here: Do you knit in the kitchen in between cutting potatoes and waiting for the egg plants to toast in the oven ? and Do you knit in bed...? I do both. Is that bad...?
Okay, so what I do is having a lot of parallel projects, one of them will eventually be at a stage of some simple knitting. Then I can take care of the complicated parts when there is peace and quiet over the field and simple knitting creates peace and quiet... Once in a while I knit socks. Nothing fancy, just grey socks, I keep my sock knitting stuff in a cake can with everything I need, there is always enough yarn to start a new pair for whoever needs. No thinking of colours, patterns or is there eneough yarn, nope, just make those socks as you have done it so many times. And this time it was for me and Seth

Knitting in bed made me think of a friend of mine; whenever she got a new boyfriend, she started eagerly to knit something for him but then they allways broke up before the knitting was finished. She herself says she knitted them away. Does that sound familiar to anyone ? She is, by the way, now very happily expecting kiddo # 2 with a great guy. I once started a very complicated sweater for a new boyfriend and actually even tried ( with no succes ) to finish it for the next boyfrind in line. And NO, I did not have a lot of guys comming around, as I said it was a VERY COMPLICATED sweater. I actually finished the sweater and gave it to brother in law even if it was a bit too big for him...

A couple of years ago I made a holder for my knitting needles and different other accessories. It is made of an old embroided tablecloth and has a very sturdy lining. It has a double compartment for both longer and shorter needles, and a couple of earrings I use as markers. I still haven't figuered out a good way to store my circular needles.

Even if it is raining, this is not a grey day and I might do a lot of writing about grey stuff since I like grey and I just have to show you these very nice traditional mittens a friend ( who lives way to far away from us ) gave to me. I cherish them a lot and I am allways afraid of loosing them. They are very skillfully made by a lady she knows. Luckily for the mittens I dont bike a lot so they are not worn out, I hope they will last for many more years.
This Friend has finally started blogging and you just have to check it out. She writes in sweedish but there is so many wonderfull pictures to see... This person never does anything half. She is a perfectionist and it shows. Go check it out...
ullis blog I also found the link to a
great vintageblog about clothes and just like Ullis blog this one is very honest and you get a great feeling of the person behind it.