I use to knit these very complicated patterns, but something has changed...Now knitting is more some kind of meditation for me. I need it to be simple, without the constant looking at the patterns, counting and so on...I love wearing thin cardigans over tops and dresses, so I decided to make a pattern using my own sewing pattern. I knit all the edges by hand ( really easy...no counting...pure relaxation ), and then I finish it on the very old knitting mashine that I have from my grandmother. I crochet the button front ( again no counting ). I made the pattern with the help from the freeware program >Graph paper printer. I made a simple grid that fit to the gauge of my yarn and then I just trace the pattern on the grid...
I have knitted ribbon ready for take 2, and I will make some changes...shorter, rounded edges at upper front, dyed brown...Then take 3 in alpaca wool...take four in cashmere...........

I love that cardigan.
I always thought about trying to knit.
This looks so beautiful and elegant.
What a beautiful piece. I would love to lean how to knit but I have no idea where to start. I'm pretty nifty with a sewing machine but seeing your creation inspires me to branch out and give knitting a try. Is the machine necessary to make something so beautiful? I'm thinking baby steps...
den är helt ljuvlig! totaly adorable!
Oh my Mette you are amazing, and how do you do it all with a wee babe???? I feel like I can only just manage to get the dishes done of a day!
Gorgeous Mette ;o)
Simply beautiful! I love it!
Wow, Mette - den er så lækker! Jeg er maje misundelig på strikkemonsteret ;-)
What a lovely, luxurious cardigan! And your painted floor looks perfect! :)
That's simple and meditative?? Wow. It's GORGEOUS!
Wow, I'm speechless! It's perfect and it doesn't look easy to me.
Milde himmel, du er bare så dygtig til så meget!!!
Jeg er vild med den lille blondekant, er det et hjemmekomponeret mønster, eller findes det et sted, hvor vi andre også kan kigge??
Mange hilsner Anne, der vist snart må føje et stykke af dit keramik til samlingen, men hva' ska' man vælge...
Wow, I'm so impressed. That looks amazingly beautiful.
That's a beautiful and elegant cardigan! I've been reading your blog for some time now, and I keep admiring you for your talent and productivity in all these different arts and crafts.
I'm so impressed..this is way beyond my capabilities. The cardigan is beautiful.
that sweater is divine! I wish I owned it!
Wow, you are so amazingly talented! I can't believe you made that!
this is the second time i have stumbled upon your beautiful blog... this sweater is just too gorgeous to not leave a message, and the rest of your art and craft is also very inspiring!
Your sweater is beautiful. I'm so glad you machine knit the body. It is hard to find examples of machine knitting that wasn't based on patterns from the 1980's
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