Monday, February 21, 2011

Having a baby with colic...

I am so happy. We have the most wonderful healthy little baby girl. Being pregnant makes you worry... Will this baby be just another normal baby ? And of course she is just fine... BUT, She has colic...! The first three months was horrible, now it is tolerable, and it seems as if she is doing better every.

That's not really serious stuff, but it can make you rather insane. She has been crying in my arms a great part of the day.

That is quite a test for someone who doesn't like to get her mind and hands kidnapped ( If you know what I mean...). So how did I deal with that ? I got myself some earplugs since my singing would help not only Dea but also me to calm down. I tried using a sling but it still couldn't really free my hands since she moved too much around. so there was not much to do, I just had to accept the situation.

But I did find a way to cope with some of the boredom... My mood board... I simply put up little notes and ideas, make a couple of sketches and look at combinations of colours. Then when walking around I have this visual extension of my brain to look at. So I spend my time walking, organizing and planning what to do when life gets back to the normal. I change it all the time and let's just say I think my future projects will be very well planned...

Today I have to go out, get myself a pair of Birkenstocks to wear in the apartment while carrying her because my feet and legs are really hurting.


  1. Chiropractor for the little one..?
    I know how desperate one can get..!

  2. Oh dear! One of my twins had colic...and cranio-sacral therapy worked wonders for her and stopped the terrible crying. Still, she was very much a baby that needed to be carried. And I walked so much I got a stress fracture in my foot. Good shoes are very important!

  3. I know that feeling.. want some ideas? My daughter had colic too. In her case it turned out she had milk allergy, but I only found out after about 3 months when I couldn't breast feed anymore. A cousin of hers had colic too and he had/was given (?) acupuncture and was cured almost instantly. Looking forward to seeing your future projects ;)

  4. have you tried a wrap? it's better than a sling. something like this
    i remember nights with baby #2. rocking so much that i tied a scarf around both of us in case i fell asleep.
    we made it through and i now have 4 children:o)

  5. ...'someone who doesn't like to get her mind and hands kidnapped.'

    I don't have a baby but I KNOW what you mean! :-)
    Thanks for bringing it so well to the point!

  6. Your daughter sounds like my oldest daughter: three months of crying and more months of carrying, and wouldn't tolerate a sling. I did a lot of imagining and planning during that time, too. It will get better. You will have your hands again!
