Well not really. I don't have lots of big drawings, I need to carry around but I really needed some way of transporting my basic slopes for dressmaking between the studio and apartment. I just like having them around if suddenly during the weekend I find a little time to test an idea. I would seriously hate to bend them so I had to find a solution.

John said "why don't you buy one of those portfolios" but The only one I had seen that I liked, is my dads. He made it when he was young and working as a decorator for a clothing and fabrics shop. It is made out of cardboard from some pattern commercials. So I thought I am just going to get some cardboard and make a portfolio with a little cotton and glue. I explained all this to John, he looked at me with the look " Oh no she is going to make a project out of this " True ...why not make it like an accordion in fabric and slip the big pieces of cardboard in to stabilize it. It has quite a few advantages. Like If it gets dirty I just take out the cardboard and throw it in the washing machine, It has 4 "pockets so I can keep things a little divided. If the cardboard gets damaged I just buy new ones, and If sometime in the future I will not have a need for it I just take out the cardboard. fold the fabric part and store it.

I also had to consider this big thing would be very visible in the apartment so it had to be very subtly. I have always like the combination of crisp white and cream. The portfolio is in strong cream coloured canvas and I "wrote" portfolio in crisp white with my favorite font courier new with no capitals.l It took quite a bit time so what had to be a quick solution for a practical problem turned out to be time consuming but it doesn't really matter because I am satisfied and it works splendid.