For a while ago I bought five pair of jeans, very cheap, since they were collection samples. Most of them have skinny legs and a low waist. I only wear skinny leg jeans together with long tops and dresses. Sorry girls, I just don't think they look good in other ways if you are not a size 36 and quite tall... But that might just be me getting old and laughing a bit of these young girls with a little ( or a lot...) french fries and coke fat around their hips. Luckily they put spandex in a lot of jeans now a days, but that in combination with a low waist and some physical activity makes these girls constantly pulling their jeans up in a not so flattering posture. Don't want that to happen to me, do I...

So this is what I did: I simply attached a piece of double layer rib jersey to the waist of the jeans. Now they are super comfy and super practical. So many times during the day I bend down to help a child, or pick something up from the floor. Now my jeans just follows my movements, just like a pair of leggings. That's just so nice. One other good thing is, it keeps me warm around my waist.
Inside the ribbing is an elastic band, I have secured in both sides so it won't get tangled. If my waistline gets smaller, ( read: I am working on it...), I will just adjust it a bit...