I could have called this post "How to survive hyperimesis gravidarum..." but I will not, since I find no point in telling you how hard the last 6 months has been for me - and to some extend still is. Seriously, all I want is to start actually looking forward to this baby, due the 22th September, and get my normal life back. But in the same sentimental way as the Oscars are received, I want to thank those nurses at the hospital for giving me intravenous re-hydration every Monday and Friday, and those women in the same situation, I have spend hours and hours with. There is nothing that helps more than talking to other people who really know what it is all about.

As you can probably figure out I haven't been making anything for a long time, but I have spend hours in the greenhouse, since during the spring the place was cool and calm. Some of the energy I could gather I did spend trying to make the place nice. The overall plan for the greenhouse is that it should have a sitting area, a water post, a small potting area, an espalier in the middle to create small areas within the big space, and of course shelves and tables with pots and plants. There is a door from the shop directly to the greenhouse and the plan is to have shelves with pots for sale there and maybe even other places in the greenhouse. The shelves will be of the same type as the ones in the shop so they will visually connect the two rooms. So you see there are lots of plans and also a lot of work that I cannot do at this moment...but it will come...

I bought a nice little bench from mandalay. Normally I find garden furniture used, but the last years it seem to have been more difficult to find any, and I have been in love with this bench for a while.
I thought that the greenhouse should be filled with flowers and not so many vegetables and fruits, but having spend many hours there I realize that I miss the aesthetics of vegetables. So one tomato plant and 18 basil plants have found their way into the greenhouse (I can't really eat basil now, but I am planning on a huge pesto production after the baby is born. Next year I will have a laurel bush, a peach tree, an almond tree and maybe even more. This year I bought a lemon tree, it lives in the greenhouse during early spring and fall, but stays outside during the summer.

The stove used to be in the studio, but now i have air conditioning there, so I moved it to the greenhouse. It is a really nice thing to fire it up on a cold evening.
It just started raining and I will go sit down in the greenhouse. There's nothing like hearing the rain falling on the glass roof...