One can have expectations for life, plans and projects, but sometimes things change, times pass and you have to adapt, do things in another way. Sometimes it´s hard, frustrating and disillusioning, but it can also be a pleasant surprise that makes you look at the world in another way and make you grow as a person...
This is all pocket philosophy. In my life it has a lot to do with having tons of ideas but too little time. Having a little kid has a tendency to break up the time you have for different project into fragments, ten minutes here and there and maybe two hours on a good day.

So here is the story: I started making this jacket to be in the spring. I constructed the pattern too big for him so he could use it in the fall with a sweater under. Things went well, I dyed the fabric, cut it and then I got busy. Time flew as it does in summer. The sun was shining and we were having fun playing with water on the lawn behind the studio. Then fall came and still no jacket. It got cold so we bought a jacket for the little fellow. Mom really wanted to knit a scarf but ended up with letting him wear one of her own.

But what about the sewing project THE JACKET... ??? I had to adapt, you see and so did the jacket. Seth had gotten a lot bigger during the summer and no way would it fit him over a sweater so I forgot all about the sleeves and made a vest... So if there is anyone out there with long lasting projects like mine and needs a pair of sleeves for something, you know who to call...

Teddy bear: Dress style info : Crocheted pants from a kids vintage store worn with a high waist....hip !