Once in a while I meet people having opinion that creative people are unorganized. In a way I think they are right. To create it is necessary to be a little destructive, break up things and make a mess, but then you have to organise things in a new way, keep your head cool and follow the idea to the very end where it is actually finished and materialized in something real. It is very easy to ramble down the river of flowing ideas, but the hard part ( or at least for me it is... ) is to get disciplined and finish the project or to develop the idea on sketches and small test and eventually maybe just throw the hole thing in the bin.

Here is the way I do it: I Have a little A6 size piece of yellow plastic board that provides a very sturdy surface for writing or drawing in places where there is no table near. I use index card or just plain little A6 note papers for sketches or whatever I need to write down. All kind of design ideas, sewing techniques, wish lists, different to do lists ( way too many... ) , cooking recipes, books i would like to read and so on. I carry the little board with me all times. I organize it this way: first the plastic board, then finished notes and sketches, then one piece of black cardboard to divide, in the front is the plain paper all ready. Whenever I make a note I slit it behind the black cardboard to wait until the moment when I just have too many notes. That's when I sit down and file it in the box in the proper place. It is simple and doesn't take to much space

I really like these black boxes. They are very sturdy and has that feeling of an old library. One day I would like to have a special made little bookshelf with these boxes. I found the boxes and index card here and here. If you are interested in people making organizing pretty you should go see Judy of the Woods flckr pool on her slip method. She is a very inspiring person so if you are into sustainability and low tech organising you should check out her website